The show that started the Arrowverse, Arrow, is heading into its seventh season as our Emerald Archer faces his biggest challenge: a supermax prison. After Oliver's big decision at the end of Season 6, the vigilantes of Star City are gearing up for their seventh season as the cast and producers previewed what is coming up in Season 7 at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con.

DC TV Podcasts’ Andy Behbakht (The Flash Podcast, Titans Podcast) was fortunate to attend the press room to chat with the cast and producers what to expect in the new season. One of the great talents present was director, producer and stunt coordinator James Bamford. Throughout the roundtable interview, Bamford spoke about the following for Season 7:

-What went into the way the final scene of the Season 6 finale was shot and doing something different

-What Oliver's life in prison will be like as he runs into some familiar faces

-How Season 7 will be taking the show to new levels of grittiness

-What the rest of the team will be up to as they don't' have Oliver there anymore to lead them.

Arrow Season 7 premieres on Monday, October 15 at 8/7c on The CW!

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Category:podcast -- posted at: 2:42pm EST